"The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them..."
I run into this shit a lot lately.
Yesterday I was listening to Hugh Hewitt and he said (I'm paraphrasing):
"I'm not fear-mongering! I don't care what Olbermann says! Nobody cares what Olbermann says! I am not a fear-mongerer! Now let me give you some reasons not to vote for Barack Obama. Number one - he will ruin your economic future. Number two - he will get you killed."
That is some 4th degree blackbelt level doublethink.

Then he saw them on TV huggingg the other day and to him that was an example of how the Democratic Party will "literally do whatever it has to, whether it's authentic or not, to win this election."
Now let's be honest. The Dems had a tough primary. Sort of like John McCain and Dubya had in 2000. Remember when Karl Rove spread rumors in S. Carolina that McCain's adoptive Bangladeshi daughter was actually his illegitimate black child?
How do you think that made McCain feel?
I mean Bush's campaign went after his daughter!
Do you think he was filled with feelings of love and tenderness towards the dear leader?
Or do you think he wanted to beat the living shit out of ol' Georgie-boy and Turd-Blossom?
Regardless, in the 2004 general election we were treated to this creepiness...

Now the Obama/Clinton primary reached some fairly heady levels of nastiness (mostly from Clinton's side - the 3 AM phone call ad, etc.). However nothing came even close to the shit Rove pulled on McCain's little girl.
But obviously poor little Stevie has had his political theater cherry popped by the horrible spectacle of Hill and Big O huggin' it out.
Anyway, Baldwin also went on to say...
"What is freaky to me is the media and Hollywood is so convinced that Middle America and mainstream America cares what it thinks."
Right. Well what is freaky to me is that Baldwin doesn't understand the irony of his statement.
Because when he was saying it (and I could be wrong ) he really seemed to believe people should care what he thinks.
And I don't want to be an asshole, but...
Hello, Steve!!!! YOU'RE FROM HOLLYWOOD!!!!
That's why you're on Faux News! Not because you're an incisive, well-respected intellectual or a member of some obscure think-tank!

Anyway I'm actually having a pretty good day. I've just been re-reading Orwell and the term doublethink really got me... thinking.
But not doublethinking. I swear.
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