Again Orwell screams at me from the pages of 1984...
"He who controls the past controls the future."
Because last night John McCain tried to rewrite basic American history again when he said this about Roe V. Wade, "I thought it was a bad decision. I think there were a lot of decisions that were bad. I think that decisions should rest in the hands of the states. I'm a Federalist."
I'm having a fucking breakdown. I happen to be a lowly 34 year-old middle of the road stand-up comic and I know what a Federalist was.
But apparently John Sidney McCain, the 72 year-old would be President and current senior Senator from Arizona does not.
I guess he really did skip a lot of classes at the Naval Academy.
Either that or he's trying to change the meaning of the word Federalist COMPLETELY.
See folks the Federalists were a political party, the first political party in the history of the United States.
They held control of the Federal Government for 12 years until 1801 when Thomas Jefferson's Democratic Republicans took over in what what many call the second American revolution.
Their most famous members included such unknowns as George fucking Washington, Alexander fucking Hamilton (the first Secretary of the Treasury) and John fucking Adams (the first Vice-President and second president) among others.
John McCain should probably know this. We're not exactly talking McKinley here. This is common knowledge sheeyat.
The Federalists believed in a strong central government. The idea is sort of implicit in the name - FEDERALIST.
Especially Hamilton who was the intellectual engine behind the movement.
To use McCain-ese, my friends, Hamilton was a great American who along with James Madison and John Jay wrote many of the Federalist Papers which helped convince the country to ratify the Constitution in 1887.
He came up with the idea of a National Bank and a unified currency throughout the states. He nationalized the war debt in exchange for putting the capitol in Virginia.
Above all....
He did not want decisions left to the states. He was for union uber alles.
So again I am faced with deciding if McCain is either lying or stupid.
Again I ask - which is worse?
Oh well, who cares. He will lose and soon be relegated to the pages of history with Adlai Stevenson, Hubert Humphrey and William Howard Taft.
Goodbye, McKnow nothing. It was nice knowing you and knowing more than you.
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