Monday, February 23, 2009

This Week in History Volume 4!

February 22-28

*  This week in 1955 America’s greatest female Tennis player, Maureen “Little Mo” Connolly retired from the game.

I don’t think it’s a stretch to say her legacy has inspired literally thousands of  other ’mos to get involved with women’s sports.

 *  In 1997 the Holocaust movie “Schindler’s List” was shown on broadcast television without commercial interruption.

 This marked the first time a film had ever aired completely on TV without any advertising breaks, thus proving once and for all that the Jews control Hollywood.

 *  In 1455 the uber-famous Gutenberg Bible was published – making it the first Western book to be printed from movable type and also giving Gideons everywhere a reason to live.

 The Bible was of course made by Johannes Gutenberg, a German printer who later went on to star in the popular “Police Acadamy” movies and the worldwide box-office smash “Three Men and a Little Schnitzel”.

 *  This week in 1929 Grand Teton National Park was founded in Wyoming.

 To this day it still has the biggest set of Tetons in any American park not named “Dollywood”.

*  Trivia question time!!  Yaaaaay!!!!

 This week in 1952 who discovered DNA?

Answer:  Doctors James Watson and Francis Crick.

 Follow up time! 

Do you know where they discovered it?

Answer:  Your mother’s chin.

See you next week history buffs!

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