Friday, June 20, 2008


Fucking great show in Canadia tonight.

About 140 Calgarians came to party. OK for a Thursday night in summer, eh?

I like Canadian audiences because even if you jest 'bout sensitive subjects during your show they don't get pre-offended the way American audiences tend to do (depending on what city you're in of course).

I also like them because I can do an hour and a half show without mentioning my dick or someone's pussy. Or my dick in someone's pussy. Or someone's pussy in the general vicinity of my dick.

Or even vague allusions to dicks, pussies, fucking, sucking, licking, biting, fisting, anal, cumming, spitting, swallowing, midget frolicking, salad-tossing or least of all naked pancake wallowing (you figure out what that last one is).

They just don't need it. The Canadians that is.
They're not that intellectually lazy.

The best part is when I close the show on a blow-job joke the Canucks lap it up quite thankfully!

OK, maybe that was a bad metaphor.

What I mean is, they're willing to use their brains for an entire 90 minute set. So when you do a dick joke or two at the end it's like a special treat for 'em. Fucking adorable.

A couple new Canadian-specific jokes for your enjoyment...

Canada is the most passive aggressive country I've ever been to. I firmly believe it would never invade another nation - they'd just move in and leave their shit everywhere.

Canada - where the money is different colors and the people mostly aren't.

We should have invaded Canada instead of Iraq. Have you seen the average American waistline? Fucking Canadian syrup is a bigger threat than Saddam ever was.

On a serious note - I can't wait to come back here next year.

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