Campbell, for propriety's sake it's best not to refer to muslims as having made "explosive" allegations. Although it did make me laugh.
The damage control thing pissed me off though. Damage from who? The media over reporting a teensy incident that has nothing to do with any real, substantive issues affecting the American people? Fuck away, Campbell.
She was of course referring to the non-story that two Obama volunteers had told a couple muslim women who were wearing head scarves that they couldn't sit behind Obama at a campaign event. This is really not worth a second of air-time.
These are two idiot volunteers acting most likely of their own accord and not representing the true feelings of the Obama campaign or Senator Obama, who I really don't think is paranoid about being seen with Muslims. Need evidence?
See below.

The media being the media however, it probably sounded too juicy too pass up when they were spit-balling it around at the morning meeting (Oh! What noxious vapors of douchebaggery must waft around those rooms - sniiifff. Ah, I can almost smell it from Calgary.).
So she led off her newscast with the "explosive" allegations tease, and then didn't mention it until late in the newscast and then only briefly.
(BTW - As I type this blogspot keeps underlining Obama in red as if I've misspelled it. NOTE TO BLOGSPOT: Obama is going to be President. It is time to add his name to spellcheck. Ironically blogspot also keeps underlining blogspot. So apparently blogspot is not aware of blogspot.)
Also tonight I saw Lou Dobbs demand off-shore oil-drilling. As if fucking up the coastline and relying more and more on petroleum is the answer to our energy problems.
Lou, dear sweet, fat-headed Lou, off-shore drilling will only lower the cost of fuel by pennies and it will further fuck up the atmosphere by keeping us on the carbon emissions path. Also I heard a rumor they'll hire illegal Mexicans to do the drilling!
Just kidding about the last thing.
Anyway he was OUTRAGED and INDIGNANT as always because, hey, that sells. To be truthful I think he has a fair piece of indignant lodged in his colon. He always looks like he's trying to take a shit or pass a huge piece of hate through his duodenum. But that's just my opinion.

What we don't need is more oil drilling fucking up the ecosystem, my lungs and my kid's future's.
Also Lou Dobbs needs a high-colonic. He has 40 pounds of outrage wedged in a bile duct and it's gonna kill him someday.
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