A quote from McCain campaign spokeswoman Carly Fiorina (the FIRED CEO of Hewlett Packard)...
"Because of Hillary Clinton's historic run for the Presidency and the treatment she received, American women are more highly tuned than ever to recognize and decry sexism in all its forms. They will not tolerate sexist treatment of Governor Palin."
This is not only a blatant (ineffective) pander to dissafected Hillary voters it is also a ridiculous distortion of what is going on.
The fact is the Obama campaign hasn't said anything all that horrible about Sarah Palin other than to lightly point out that she is VASTLY INEXPERIENCED.
Other than that they've been fairly hands off. The media hasn't been overly in attack-mode either although they're doing their usual light-news job with a new figure on the scene.
Honestly there are things the press could be going after with both barrells blazing right now and we'll see if they will in the coming days.
But as for now reporters are in a wait and see mode. There is no mention of gender at all as far as I've seen in ANY criticizm of Palin.
Also let me point out that the McCain camp doesn't have any qualms talking about Obama's experience vs. McCains's when it suits their purposes.
Did they do this because he was black?
Probably not.
Probably they thought it was a winning strategy. Or maybe they even think it's true.
So if Obama or the media go after Palin please don't pull the va-jay-jay card. People in public life get shots taken at them regardless of what is between their legs.
Christ, it's not like Obama said, "Fuck that bitch. She gonna be too emotional to run this bizness, bleeding all over the Oval Office rug once a month and shit.
Anyway there are plenty of Palin things to talk about that have nothing to do with her gender:
1. Troopergate
2. Almost recalled as mayor of her 7,000 person town.
3. Wants to teach creationism.
4. Doesn't believe climate change is man-made.
5. Thinks the Iraq war is a mission from God.
6. Is anti-choice in cases of rape or incest.
7. My 17 year-old whore daughter fucked a hockey-player dueschebag without a rubber-gate.
None of these have anything to do with whether she has an innie or an outie down there.
So Carly, shut the fuck up and go back to screwing up companies. You dumb girl.
1 comment:
very sweet and yhummy
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