Wow, the GOP is really progressive.
I mean they nominated a woman! For Vice-President!!! In 2008!
Which is about 24 years after the Democrats did it.
This may be the most cynical VP pick I've ever seen.
I mean what's the strategy here?
Does McCain actually expect to peel off a significant amount of women voters just because he nominated the former runner-up to Ms. Alaska?
Does John McCain really think women are that stupid?
Otherwise you have to wonder why did he pick her? Was Palin truly the best person for the job?
No. Most likely he nominated her because she has a vagina.
And here I thought Republicans were against affirmative action.
I know some of you are thinking this is a ground-breaking pick. This is a chance to "shatter that glass ceiling once and for all!".
But please slow down for a mo and allow me to point out that while Sarah Palin is most certainly a woman (and therefore in my mind has the chance to be the most fuckable Vice-President ever) she is also anti-choice, pro-gun, pro big oil, opposes stem-cell research, wants to teach creationism in schools, tried to ban books at the local library, also has ZERO FOREIGN POLICY EXPERTISE and is currently the first term governor of Alaska - a state which has a population smaller than the cast of Lost.
Before that she was the mayor of a town with 7,000 people. There are bigger high schools than that.
All of which brings too mind that watchword of the last month - experience.
After all isn't that why Obama has been painted by McCain as such an overwhelmingly DANGEROUS pick - because he was a first-term Senator with so little "experience"?
I guess that argument is off the table now that John - death is not only knockin' at my door but ringing the Goddamn doorbell - McCain has nominated someone who is younger than Obama and has fewer foreign policy credentials than my left testicle.
In fact Palin has said she's "not that interested" in foreign policy. So that's promising. I'm sure Vladimir Putin is trembling in his boots thinking about going toe to toe with the former runner-up to Ms. Alaska who is "not that interested" in foreign policy.
Great choice, John!
Also Palin said her favorite meal is Moose Stew.
Ew. I take back what I said about her being fuckable.
Alsthough Governor Palin does have 5 kids which means she has definitely been fucked at some point.
So that's at least one thing I have in common with this Republican harpie.
We are both pro-fucking!
Of course Palin is against abortion in all cases INCLUDING RAPE AND INCEST.
So in Sarah Palin's world if you're dad fucks you, then you become pregnant and for some crazy reason want to get an abortion well... you're fucked.
OK I totally take back what I said about being pro-fucking. I am now moderately pro-fucking while Sarah Palin is rabidly pro-fucking in all cases INCLUDING RAPE AND INCEST.
Speaking of which, I'm looking forward to Joe Biden ripping her a new one in the debate.
And then fucking her in it.
Hee hee.
Maybe the runner-up to Ms. Alaska is hoping there's a talent portion to the event.
Hee hee again.
Here's another thought - Sarah Palin - the zero foreign policy experience Vice-Presidential nominee to a 72 year-old four time Melanoma surivor - also has 5 kids, one of whom is a baby.

By the way if you vote for McCain just because his running mate has a twat you are dumber than a pot of moose stew.
One last observation - Andrea Mitchell's facelift makes her look like the Joker in the 1988 "Batman" movie.

1 comment:
I have been thinking the same thing all day, and have been disappointed to not see much intelligent response to it. I have your blog of my RSS feed, and I wanted to come over here and say I couldn't agree with you more.
Stop being so goddamn awesome.
I'll definitely be there with Ed and Liz again next time you're in Chicago.
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