My friend Rachel on the Saddleback Summit
Some more thoughts on the recently televised debacle...
1. I'm so sick of arguing about abortion with evangelicals I want to punch a baby.
Abortion is legal, will always be legal and unless you want to take women who get abortions and prosecute them for pre-meditated murder you should shut the fuck up right now.
It's not a life, it's a fucking fetus. You don't have a funeral for a miscarriage.
There, I rest my case.
2. If self-importance caused cancer Rick Warren would have tumors the size of Jesus.
Sort of ironic for a guy who preaches "it's not about you."
Because tonight was clearly about Rick Warren and his fat fucking ego-hole. How else to explain the -dare I say it- "audacity" of his questions?
I didn't mind that he asked the candidates about their faith. Well actually yeah I do but at least that's a legitimate question for a pastor to ask.
But when he starts asking them about what Supreme Court justices they like or don't like he obliterates the wall of separation between church and state to the point where he might as well be an Iranian Imam.
We live in America, not the United States of Jesus. Jesus is not in the constitution, nor in any local or civil codes that I'm aware of.
If you're a pastor keep it to the metaphysical. Asking about the fucking Supreme court is not in your job description and it's inappropriate in the extreme.
Some of the questions were also just plain puerile. At one point he asked, "Does evil exist?". How reductive a query is that? Liker one of the candidates was actually going to say, "No, evil is imaginary. Just like Jesus."
Also why is this event on TV? This should have been a private thing. Putting it on TV is gross and only serves to feed into the self-importance of delusional rapture-believing evangelicals while at the same time marginalizing rational humanists.
In short - it sucks and I'm offended.
3. John McCain comes off really well when he's allowed to regurgitate right-wing talking points without being challenged on their veracity.
For instance he said that we're "winning" the war in Iraq.
Baghdad has been divided into Shiite and Sunni ghettos. The residents of these hell-holes cannot leave their respective slums without being killed or worse. 12 foot walls separate neighborhoods from each other.
This horrible partitioning is more responsible than any surge for the reduction in violence.
Militias are in control of large parts of the city and the country. The Green Zone is still the only safe place for Americans.
5 years after invading most Iraqis still don't have running water or power for more than a few hours a day. They are wallowing in sewage in the heat of summer.
3 million Iraqis have fled as refugees and are afraid or unable to return to their country.
Many more are homeless. Thousands are dead.
How the fuck are we "winning"?
But alas, this is now the conventional wisdom.
McCain later said he wouldn't have nominated Justices Ginsburg, Souter and Breyer.
So he is either easily fooled or he gets confused and votes "yes" when he means "no".
Which is worse?
Also McCain said America was "founded on Judeo-Christian principles".
No we fucking weren't. Where in the Bible does it mention freedom of speech or protection from unlawful search and seizure? Where in the New Testament does it talk about the right to own a gun or a free press?
It doesn't and it's bullshit to say the founding fathers were Christians.
Some were, many were NOT. They were deists, atheists and agnostics.
This country was founded on English common law and the philosophy of the Enlightenment that said man is capable of rational self-government.
So for McCain to claim that we we're founded by BIBLE THUMPERS means one of two things: he is either lying through his teeth or incredibly, unforgivably ignorant.
Which is worse?
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