Why is anyone sitting on stage feeding the ego of this mega-church douchebag? Why are the members of his church privy to what amounts to a de facto Presidential debate?
When did red-headed idiot Rick Warren become the spiritual guru for our country? I just about vomited when Obama brought up how Warren sold 25 million books and they both laughed heartily about it.
I get it, Pastor. You're rich as shit. I'm sure Jesus would be really, really proud.
This reminds me of Medieval England when the King had to cultivate relationships with clergy in order to keep the reigns of power.
Why did the Obama campaign even agree to this event in the first place? He doesn't agree with these Jesus-Freaks on most issues and he's not going to convince a huge amount of them to vote for him no matter how hard or how fast he panders.
These people are too close-minded to peel off any # of them high enough to make a difference.
These are not intellectuals. These are believers.
Obama and his "nuanced" positions are lost on people who believe there is a man in the sky watching everything you do and keeping score. These are people who really BELIEVE that someone was dead for 3 days and then - whoop! - magically rose out of the fucking ground and ascended into heaven.
I'm sure they're really ready to think hard and deep about stem-cell research.
I'm watching this debacle and I have to say so far it's disheartening to hear what Obama has to say. He seems unable to say to these people - "Look, you and I are going to disagree on a lot of issues but here is where we can maybe find common ground. If you vote for me great, if no I understand."
Like gay marriage - as a black man Obama should be ashamed to "define" marriage as between a man and a woman. After all it wasn't too long ago that interracial marriage was considered verboten to many Americans. But I guess gay is the new black.
We just legalized gay marriage in California and no one seems to have lost their shit over it. I wish he'd just said, "Marriage is a state issue, not a religious one. Get over it."
But he trotted out that civil union bullshit which is the equivalent of "separate but equal".
Whatever. This event is bullshit even in the basic conception. Why are they talking at a big mega-church on TV?
Is John McCain going to talk at the Atheist's convention? How about the next gathering of the Council for Secular Humanism?
Of course not. Because even though we have SEPARATION BETWEEN CHURCH AND STATE apparently the Jesus Freaks are the only one's who matter.
I want to go live in another country now.
By the way, I've seen better, more probing questions asked on Inside the Actor's Studio.
I was waiting for Warren to ask Obama what his favorite sound or noise was.
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