Monday, July 7, 2008

I am old...

I'm old.

Not old like "I'm gonna die any minute old".

I'm old like "I can't believe I played basketball 3 days in a row" old.
34 is too old for the NBA and it sure as hell is too old for the rec center.

My legs feel like I ran a marathon and my back thinks somebody tried to collect a debt from me with a bat.

Ah well. I'm in Dayton with a day off and this is truly the silly season. No football to watch on TV and nothing on CNN but politicians trying to prove who believes in Jesus more.

I should have gone to the minor league Dayton Dragons game today. Damn! Didn't occur to me 'til I was writing this.

I will tell you one thing for sure, next Sunday night I will be watching the Sioux Falls Canaries take on the hated Sioux City Explorers.

Then the following week I'm gonna check out the Peoria Chiefs openin' up a can of whoop-ass on the West Michigan Whitecaps.

After all, what good is being out here all alone in the midwest summer if I can't have a hot dog and watch somebody chase their dreams 'round the ol' basepath?

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