Monday, February 16, 2009

This Week in History!

February 15-21

* In 1797 the Island of Trinidad became a British Crown colony when it was surrendered to the English General Sir Ralph Abercromby.

To celebrate this tremendous naval victory Abercromby promptly engaged in a long, passionate kiss with his homosexual lover – Lieutenant Fitch.

Actually in truth Abercromby was well known for two things above all else. Number one for being a great General and number two for his absolute, undying love of Naval seamen.
* In 1879 President Rutherford B. Hayes signed a bill allowing women to argue cases before the Supreme Court.

And as expected, since then we’ve never heard the end of it.

* 60 years ago this week Fidel Castro became the leader of Cuba.  

True story - in his younger days Castro had a tryout as an in-fielder with a major-league baseball team but failed to make the squad. Turns out he could hit but had an inaccurate arm.  

So apparenty Fidel not only overthrew Cuba’s government but unfortunately for us, also first base.  

Of course at 50 years Castro still holds the record for the longest serving communist dictator, a record many people feel should come with an asterisk because last year he tested positive for steroids and beard-enhancer.  

* In 1968 in Haleyville, Alabama the first 911 emergency phone system went into service.  

You have to wonder how dangerous was Haleyville, Alabama (pop. 4,000) that they needed to institute an emergency phone system? What were the emergencies?  
“Yes, ma’am, I’m jut calling to report - them Duke Boys is at it again!”  

* This Week in History Trivia Question Bonus!  

Question: In 1861 during the Civil War this man was inaugurated as the first and only President of the Confederate States of America.  Who was he?  

Answer: Jefferson Davis  

Bonus Factoid!

In his previous career as Secretary of War for the United States, Davis gave elaborate reports to congress on various routes for the proposed trans-continental railroad of which he was a big proponent.  

However you know what railroad Jefferson Davis wasn’t a fan of? The Underground one.

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