Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Death of Stand-Up Comedy America...

In the last 18 months alone...

R.I.P. Nitwits - Sioux Falls, SD

R.I.P. Comedy Texas - Beaumont, TX

R.I.P. The Funny Bone - Fairview Heights, IL

R.I.P. The Funny Bone - Boise, ID

R.I.P. The Funny Bone - Reno, NV

R.I.P. The Funny Bone - South Bend, IN

Clubs closing, travel costs skyrocketing, wages stagnating, no one with the time or energy to leave the house and see a show...

Folks, once every 6 months please go out and support your local comedy club. Otherwise you may wake up one day to find it's gone.

So pay for a ticket, buy a drink or two, get out from in front of that hi-def TV, computer screen, iphone or other thingamajig and enjoy some good old-fashioned live entertainment.

Unless your local club doesn't book me.

Then fuck 'em. Burn it to the ground.

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